2022-23 MUN + Right To Be
Students’ work focused on becoming effective allies of fight against hate, bullying, and harassment. KAC partnered with Right To Be (RTB), and students participated in a focus group which practiced 5D intervention techniques for effectively addressing instances of bullying and harassment. KAC is so proud of our students, who conducted additional research to explore the…
2021-22 MUN
Students’ work focused on empowering community members to report in the face of anti-Asian hate crimes and incidents. Students designed infographic series highlighting statistical findings, anti-Asian hate resources, and practical steps to take in reporting hate crimes and incidents.
Amid redistricting, L.A. Koreatown looks to consolidate political power
[한미연합회 유니스송 대표 인터뷰] 한미연합회…한인사회에 다시 용기와 희망을 모의 유엔 대회 출전, 한미연합회 7명 수상 한미연합회 “중간선거 투표 도와드려요” 11월 8일 투표당일까지 After Public Outcry, LA County Registrar Adds 3 Vote Centers In Koreatown And Chinatown [Interview} Interview with TanyaMcRaeTV to look back at the 1992 LA Riots & Uprising Years After Devastating LA Uprisings,…