We are always listening. KAC works tirelessly to promote a sense of belonging, making sure to provide timely in-language resources, support system, and referrals.
Voter Empowerment (Voter Access)
We sustain and optimize our capacity to continuously educate and advocate for increased civic participation, all the while strategically coordinating voter outreach/ engagement for local, state, and federal elections.
During the 2022 primary elecion year, we had to advocate for Chinatown and Koreatown because there was an absence of vote centers. KAC took the lead in mobilizing a coalition of Los Angeles AAPI civic engagement organizations including AAAJ, CAUSE, and AAPI Equity Alliance and successfully helped the Registrar secure more voting sites – some of which became 11 day vote centers in the General Election in November. This impacted the hundreds of thousands of eligible voters in Los Angeles County.
Stop the Hate
With the subsequent rise in anti-Asian hate, KAC has made it a priority to promote the safety of our community members, helped them with reporting hate crimes and hate incidents, and continued to provide an in-language bystander intervention training for community members.
1. Hate Crime/Incident Report 101
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the Asian community has been scapegoated and targeted with hate crimes and hate incidents. In lieu of the rise in targeted attacks and harassment, it is now more important than ever to be informed and educated in the event that this happens to you, your friends or your loved ones.
Interview with Deputy District Attorney | LA County
Interview with LAPD Officer Orlando Martinez | LAPD
2. Reporting Hate Crime/Incident Matter
KAC collaborated with the Los Angeles City Attorney’s office to share the importance of reporting hate crimes and incidents, highlighting available victim support and resources. A special thanks to Southwestern Law School for allowing us to film at Julian C. Dixon Courtroom and Advocacy Center. Thank you so much for your support for our fight against hate.
Interview with Deputy City Attorney Daniel Lee
Interview with Deputy City Attorney Daniel Lee
(Korean Subtitles)
Bystander Intervention Training in Korean
For equipping AAPI community members with tools and resources as a witness to hate crimes and incidents, KAC has partnered with Asian Americans Advancing Justice Southern California (AJSOCAL) to deliver in-person in-language bystander intervention training for community members.This one-hour interactive training equips attendees with the “5D methodology” of bystander intervention strategies that they can safely use when they witness an act of racial harassment, helping them effectively stand up as allies to the AAPI community.
For more information or to RSVP for a free public training in other languages, please visit here or call (213) 365-5999
아시안 아메리칸에 대한 인종혐오와 괴롭힘을 방지하기 위한 제3자 개입 훈련
아시안과 아시안 아메리칸들에 대한 증오범죄와 괴롭힘이 미국 전역에서 일어나고 있습니다. 남가주아시안정의진흥협회, Rigth To Be 그리고 한미연합회(KAC)가 진행하는 워크샵을 통해서 여러분은 제3자로서 안전하고 효과적으로 위기 상황에 개입할 수 있는 방법을 배우게 될 것입니다. 이 1시간짜리 대화식 트레이닝은 “5D”로 불리우는 Right To Be의 제3자 개입 방법론에 관하여 가르치며, 한국어로 진행됩니다. 미세한 공격에서 폭력에 이르기까지 아시안/아메리칸들이 직면하고 있는 차별의 유형에 관하여 이야기 하는 것으로 시작하여, 제3자의 개입이 피해자 개인들과 커뮤니티에 주는 긍정적인 영향력에 관하여 배울 것입니다. 또한, 5가지 개입 방법론: distract (방해), delegate (위탁), document (기록), delay (사후 살핌), direct (단도직입적 대응)에 관하여 배우면서 어떻게 하면 모두의 안전을 지키면서도 상황에 맞게 제3자로서 개입을 할 수 있을지 이야기 할 것입니다. 강의 후반부에서는 실화를 바탕으로 하는 시나리오를 가지고 실전 연습을 해 봄으로써 여러분이 언젠가 아시안 증오범죄나 괴롭힘의 현장을 목격했을 때 보다 자신있게 개입을 할 수 있도록 도울 것입니다.
한국어 문의 및 신청 도움: 한미연합회 (213) 365-5999
Report Hate
Dial 9-1-1 for emergencies
LA City
LA County
LA vs. Hate Hotline: 2-1-1
CA Victim Compensation Board
(800) 777-9229 vcgcb.ca.gov
Asian Americans Advancing Justice
Stop AAPI Hate
Additional Resources
Monthly Legal Clinic
Recognizing the significant barriers to accessing resources faced by community members with limited English proficiency, KAC have joined forces with the Korean American Bar Association of Southern California (KABA-SoCal), Advancing Justice Southern California (AJSOCAL), and the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Los Angeles (KCG) to offer monthly educational webinars and free 1:1 consultations every third Wednesday from 12-1 PM (known as “Monthly Legal Clinic”, “월간법률상담소” in Korean), providing much-needed support and resources in-language for the Korean community.
한인 여러분들을 법률적으로 지원하고자, 한미연합회(KAC), 남가주 한인 변호사 협회(KABA), 남가주 아시안정의진흥협회(AJSOCAL), 그리고 주 로스앤젤레스 총영사관(KCG)이 공동으로 매월 셋째 주 수요일 오후 12 – 1시에 한인 커뮤니티를 위한 교육 웨비나와 무료 상담을 진행하고 있습니다 (일명 “월간 법률상담소”).
How to Join
Every Third Wednesday from 12 – 1 PM
Join via ZOOM 사전 등록 없이 줌 로그인으로 참여하세요:
PW: 214280
Dial-in 전화 접속: +1 (669) 444-9171
Watch Recorded Webinars
KAC YouTube Channel “Monthly Legal Clinic – Community Educational Webinar” Playlist on YouTube @theKACLA
Redistricting 2021
Los Angeles Koreatown is finally unified in Council District 10 as Los Angeles City Council members voted in favor of adopting the LA City Council Redistricting Map Los Angeles, CA – Long-lasting joining efforts to unify Koreatown into one single city council district is finally realized after the LA City Council members voted to adopt the revised hybrid redistricting map in which the Koreatown is unified within CD 10. The vote was unanimous.
Since the beginning of the LA City Redistricting process, the Koreatown Redistricting Task Force*, with support from the Koreatown community, revived a campaign from 10 years ago, to unify Koreatown in a single Council district. We had nearly 5000 petition signatures, held three community town halls, hundreds of letters sent to politicians and community members, and gave numerous hearing testimonies in support of our endeavor. The community engagement was so strong that the 2021 Redistricting Commission prioritized keeping Koreatown whole which was memorialized in the final map submitted by the commission to the council. The Ad hoc committee also recognized the importance of unifying Koreatown as well. We are thankful to the community that have responded by signing the petitions, sending letters and joining us in giving testimony at the hearings. Next, Mayor Garcetti will have to sign the ordinance to establish the new council districts as laid out in the final hybrid map and they will take into effect in the new year.
LA 한인사회의 오랜 숙원이던 한인타운 선거구 단일화, LA 시의회가 선거구 재조정 하이브리드 지도안을 승인함으로써 드디어 실현되었습니다. Los Angeles, CA – 12월 7일 LA 시의회가 단일화된 LA 한인타운이 속한 10지구를 포함한 LA시 선거구 하이브리드 지도안을 표결 결과 만장일치로 통과하여 최종 승인함으로써 한인 사회의 수십년 동안의 숙원이었던 LA 한인타운 선거구 단일화를 마침내 이루게 되었습니다.
2021년 선거구 재조정 과정이 시작되면서 코리아타운 단체 리더들로 구성된 코리아타운 선거구 재조정 태스크포스 (Koreatown Redistricting Task Force (Ktown-RTF)*)는 3번의 한인타운 주민 및 관계자 대상 타운홀 미팅, 온라인/오프라인 한인타운 선거구 단일화 청원 운동 (5,000명 이상 서명), 시의원과 정치인들 이메일 보내기 캠페인 (수백통 전송) , 주민 공청회 참여 (100여명 넘게 참여), 서면 의견 제출 등을 진행하면서 LA 한인 커뮤니티의 지속적인 관심과 참여를 독려하였고, 한인 커뮤니티와 타인종 커뮤니티가 함께 힘을 모아 단합된 움직임을 보인 결과, 한인타운 선거구 단일화를 눈앞에 두게 되었습니다. 에릭 가세티 LA시장이 해당 조정안에 서명을 하면 단일화된 LA 한인타운 선거구를 포함한 재조정된 LA시 새로운 선거구 지도가 2022년 1월 1일 부터 앞으로 10년간 공식적으로 효력을 갖게 됩니다.
한인타운이 하나의 선거구로 통합됨에 따라 한인타운 주민들이 보다 효과적이고 공정한 대표성을 갖게 되고, 한인타운의 이익을 대변할 수 있는 시의원을 선출할 수 있는 가능성이 훨씬 높아지게 되었습니다. 지난 1년동안 LA 한인타운 선거구 단일화 캠페인에 적극적으로 지지해주시고 동참해주신 한인 여러분들께 진심으로 감사드립니다.
Language Access
Covid-19 Services
During the pandemic, KAC functioned as an irreplaceable informational resource and communication liaison for delivering in-language COVID-19 resources, especially for the monolingual populations. Our in-language outreach for all types of COVID-19 resources included, but not limited to, disseminating government relief/grant programs, food and housing support, unemployment benefits, eviction protection, and public health information.
Benefits Access for Immigrants Los Angeles (BAILA) Network Services
The BAILA Network is a team of benefits enrollers, legal service providers, promotores comunitarias, and community outreach workers. KAC serves as one of the community outreach partners to support Los Angeleno immigrant families and essential workers to access the public benefits they need to stay healthy and strong.
For more information, visit the BAILA Network website or call KAC at (213) 365-5999.