
Lindsey Kang

Hometown, Tualatin, OR
I am so thankful that I was able to attend NCLC this year. I went into the week having no idea what to expect. I was nervous about meeting new people and uncertain about whether I could learn anything from the speakers. Needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised by the whole experience. Up until NCLC, I have not given much thought to my Korean-American identity. Growing up in a community with very little diversity, I always stood out as “the Asian person” in my school and neighborhood. It was even rarer to be specifically acknowledged as a Korean, much less a Korean-American. NCLC gave me the opportunity to see what that intersectionality of identity looks like. Many of the speakers either immigrated to the U.S. at a very young age or were born here. I was very encouraged to hear how they refused to be hindered or confined by stereotypes. Their determination to break the “bamboo ceiling” and forward-thinking inspires me to continue their work and advocate for the Korean American community as rising leaders in this country. ​It was also very uplifting to be surrounded by peers who all come from different backgrounds, yet share pride in our Korean American identity. A big thanks to all the counselors, coordinators, and students who made NCLC an unforgettable experience!